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Trip To the Doc's

Ella's trip to the doctor today was successful.  Some of you who follow us on facebook may have read that Ella had a case of Hemotoma (a build up of blood or a pocket of fluid/blood) under the incision.  We went into Ella's new pediatrician in Meridian to have it popped and drained. 

Ella actually did really well!  She was really calm as the doctor was squeezing the incision, trying to release the fluid.  While she was being poked and prodded, Ella sang and recited Bible verses, until, the doctor had no success in releasing the build-up by just pressing, so she resorted to trying to puncture the "bubble" with her surgical prongs.  At that, Ella's attention was fully on what the doctor was doing and started to wiggle and fuss for the remaining 10 or so minutes that the doctor worked and filled gauze pieces with the blood that oozed out after the pocket was popped.

Trying to calm Ella down, the doctor asked Ella what her favorite Bible verse was and through tears, Ella sobbed in response, "None Bibw vewses aw my favwit!"  Then, when I tried to get her distracted by thinking about her new baby cousin that was going to be born later in the day, I said, "Ella!  Auntie Megan is going to have her baby today!"  And through more tears, Ella asked, "What she name hew?"  Thinking I was quite smart in my distraction, I answered Ella's question with another question, just as the doctor poked at the pocket of blood again, "Well, what do you want the baby's name to be?"  And through a whole new set of sobs resulting from the poke, Ella cried, "Nofing.  Baby Nofing. (nothing)"  :)  I guess my question wasn't that great after-all.  haha...

When the doctor had finished poking, squeezing and bandaging Ella's long incision, Ella was back to her normal self.
In fact, In the car on the way home from the doctor's office, Ella exclaimed from the back seat, "Oh no! I lost my gum!" 
Dreading a sticky mess, I asked, "Where'd it go, Ella? Did you drop it?" 
"No, my po-corn (popcorn) taked it!" Ella said sadly. 
I guess she had found an old piece of popcorn in the car and eaten it and when she swallowed the popcorn, the gum went down too, so in her mind, the popcorn took it! heehee :) 
Then, in frustration, Ella demanded of the popcorn piece that had "stolen" her gum, "Give it back, Po-Corn!"

With Ella now at home, she is back to climbing, dancing, and horsing around in all forms.  It's all I can do to keep her moving at a slow, post-surgery pace!  She's already attempting to jump, which the doctor does NOT want her to do for another two weeks or so!  Pray that her bone heals quick because this kid does not hold still long enough for anything to heal!  haha...  But man!  We just want to praise Jesus Christ today for giving us this feisty little monkey!  She could be a bump on a log depressed with her situation, but instead, she's too much for me to keep up with!!  Praise God!


The Fancy Pansy said…
Poor, sweet Ella. After my boat accident I had to have a rubber drainage tube stuck in my leg for a while, and it is NO FUN! ((HUGS)) to her!!!

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