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Jen's Journal 2008

April 17, 2008

"I have been in the hospital for a week and a half now.  And am missing my husband and Ariana.  My family is so precious to me.  Ari's been going to the pre-school/daycare.  I think she likes it some days and not so much other days.  I worry about her a lot.  She's got a cold right now.  I get to talk to her on the phone most days.  I ask her questions, and says, 'Ya.' :)

One day was really sad because when she found out that I was on the phone, she had a little cry in her voice and said, 'Mama, mama, mama.'  That was hard.  We sing songs, rather, I sing to her.  Mostly the Itsy Bitsy Spider and Jesus Loves Me.  Yesterday, I told her that I was giving her kisses and made kissing noises.  Then I heard a smack on her side of the phone and Mom told me that she kissed it.  :)

These are my parents with our girls spring 2009
Mom and Dad have done so much for us.  I don't know what we'd do without them.  And they have so much going on right now.  Megan (my sister) still lives at home; she works two jobs.  Josh (my brother) is in his senior year of high school and is dating Kapree.  Monica is a sophomore and still "rocks out" on her guitar.  Dad just sold his business officially two days ago...and Mom is teaching three times a week at our Christian school.

They are providing food and a place to stay for my family - Mom gets Ari up in the mornings and takes her to pre-school and her dad picks her up in the afternoon.

Life here at the hospital is good.  I wake up between 7-8 AM everyday. they take my blood pressure and temp every 4 hours.  At night, I normally go to sleep around 11:30 PM and they come in and get my vitals around 4 AM.  They put me on the monitor three times a day.  They listen to the heart and monitor my contractions.

Today, I had a really neat ultra sound.  I am exactly 27 weeks today.  The fluid was low - only around 2 cm, but the baby's growing.  They measured today and baby weighs around 2 lbs! I got to see the baby's face today, I was crying.  It was so awesome.  Last week's ultra sound was really neat because the fluid was around 4 cm and I got to see baby's profile and watch it drink fluid!  That was amazing.  God is so good.  I can't wait for 34 weeks so I can see my beautiful child and go home to my awesome family.  I miss home.

To kill time here at the hospital, I've been reading, checking email, facebook and myspace.  My brother and sister-in-law brought me this Sudoku book, so I've learned to play that.  And I've been getting quite a few visitors and phone calls.

I think the hardest thing is that I worry I won't be a good witness because I'm too tired or something, but I've had a few comments from nurses and CAPs (Clinical Assistant Personel) that have made me feel better.  One CAP came in one evening and said, 'You're so much fun, we always fight over who gets you.'  One particularly abrasive nurse told me after a long day when I felt defeated, 'You know, I might even pray for you tonight.' We'd been talking about prayer earlier and I could tell it was something she didn't do very often.  So, for her to say that, was pretty neat.  I know that the Lord has great things planned.

I wonder who you are:

Ella Breanne or Elias Tynan"


April 2, 2008

"I have always known that God has a special plan for my life, I just don't know how yet, but I'm excited.  He has revealed a little bit of His plan in just the last few months.  I am pregnant now with a precious child whom I love very much.
Almost seven weeks ago, my water broke and doctors told me that the baby would die and that I should abort it.  But God had other plans.  He has used this situation to show His amazing power and glory.
When my water first broke, I tried to look at the facts and see things realistically.  I thought my baby was going to die.  I had just had a miscarriage six months prior and was devastated that this pregnancy was headed in the same direction, even after the three month miscarriage danger was over.  Why was this happening?  But I do know God, and believe that He loves us more than we can fathom, so I trust His will and plan for my life.  I f God saw fit to allow this baby to die, then there must be an amazing reason why.  I just kept praying that God would show Himself to others through this, and that people might be saved."

....I go on to share How God used my time in the hospital to touch lives at a retreat and how we were told by the doctor that we needed to abort, but through it all, God provided all of our needs: meals, finances (each time I saw the specialist-once a week- it was costing us $1,300, and we had to find out how to pay for my upcoming hospital stay and the baby's expenses if it survived)...

"Through this whole thing I think God's message to me is not only that He'll be with me and take care of us.  But I truly think He wants me to BELIEVE that He wants to and will answer my prayers to the Maximum!  I've always believed in God and that He'd take care of me in any situation.  I have also discovered that He doesn't always answer our prayers just the way we pray them because He can see the picture, the entire picture.  And I've always been OK with that.  I pray, 'Let your will be done.'

But I really think that through THIS situation, God has wanted me to pray for specific things that I hope for and then BELIEVE that He will answer.  God has given me so many verses lately that have to do with not only believing in Him, but in the things we ask for with a pure heart.  In Hebrews 11:1 it says, 'Faith means being sure of the things we hope for.'  I had never let that really click in my mind before now.  If I had to describe faith before this incident, I would have said something like, 'Faith is being sure and believing in something you can't see or touch.  And knowing that God will provide through His good and perfect will.'  I still believe that to be true, but with more depth.  I think it takes MORE faith to go out on a limb and say, 'OK God, this is specifically what I need and hope for, I believe you will answer 100 times over.'  Sometimes I think it's easier to prepare for disappointment.  But we also know that anyone who has faith the size of a mustard seed can move a mountain!  Wow.  I haven't seen many mountains moved recently.  Does that mean that it is that hard to have complete faith, or are our eyes missing all the miracles that happen everyday and we just write them off as coincidence?

In James 1:6-8 he says, 'But when you ask God, you must believe and not doubt. Anyone who doubts is like a wave in the sea, blown up and down by the wind.  Such doubters are thinking two different things at the same time, and they cannot decide about anything they do.  They should not thing that they will receive anything from the Lord.'

In James 5:16 it says, 'When a believing person prays, great things happen.'

I really feel God hammering this home in my heart the last couple of weeks and have felt led to write it down.  Why do we always freak out when something bad happens and carry it on our own for a while before completely handing it over to Him?  Don't we sometimes think, 'OK, this time we're really screwed!  What could God possibly come up with to get me out of this?'  And I think that's when most of us believers hand it over to God and rest in Him for some kind of an answer because we just can't carry it on our own.  We know that God will answer, but it may not be exactly what we have in mind.  We try and say, 'All things will work out for good in the end, even if His initial "answer" is disappointing.' But why do we automatically see defeat before truly believing in the miracle?  I think it's because it hurts a lot less if you are expecting the worst, when the worst happens.  Rather than if you were hoping for the best, and the worst happens.

I believe God is a god of miracles.  If he created this world and all of the intricacies in making it work and function, why can't he do the things I deem as impossible?  I think in life's situations He wants us to call upon Him and ask for the things we hope for knowing he's big enough to answer.  Believing God's will is good and perfect and being OK with whatever He decides is very important too.  But I think it is second in line.

First, I think we should believe in the things we hope for.  He tells us to!  If that prayer is not answered in our expected way, then I believe that is where knowing that God's will is perfect, is important.  But why expect the worst when God wants the best?

In my life, very rarely is it the worst outcome when I pray.  And when I feel it is the worst, I ALWAYS find out God had a better plan, and it just took a little patience to see it through.

I love God with all my heart and am so excited to see how He will answer my prayer for my baby and exceed my wildest expectations!"


Feb.5, 2008
"About a week ago, I went into Ari's room to get her out of bed and feed her breakfast.  As soon as I walked into her room she pointed at my tummy and yelled excitedly, "Baby!"  Then she rubbed her hand on her chest saying "Ps ps ps ps!" (meaning "please")  I said, "Please what?"  And Ari said, "I wan see baby!"  So, I pulled up my shirt and showed her my belly.  Ari then said in her morning raspy voice, "Hi baby," and waved.  I pulled my shirt down and she said, "Bye bye."


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