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Hernandez  Family


Jason in Senegal Africa digging a well
Jason is the man who boldly sought out and pursued the Wilkins girls.  He chased their hearts through the love of Christ and lavished them with love and tender care in the depths of their brokenness. God used this wonderful man to bring hope, healing, leadership and love to a very broken little family.  Jason was born and raised in Idaho and works hard each day to provide for his little family.  He loves the Lord, Jesus Christ, with all of his heart, soul, mind and strength, and jumps at the opportunity for international missions and world travel at every chance he gets! Orphan care and well-drilling are especially near and dear to Jason's heart! It is Jason's desire to follow Jesus wherever He wills, no matter the cost!


Jen and Baby Joziah in Barcelona, Spain
Jen was born and raised in Idaho.  Jen's parents, Jeff and Janelle, were both born out of state, Janelle in Colorado and Jeff in California, but both settled in Idaho and eventually  raised their family there.  Jennifer is the oldest of four siblings; she has two sisters and a brother.  Some of the family hobbies included camping, fishing, boating and family gatherings that included games, lots of games! Volleyball and basketball were sports that Jen enjoyed in her earlier years, but once high school came around, cheerleading became her passion.  High School graduation was the extent of Jen's education because it was almost immediately after, that she met her first husband at church and she quickly became his wife.  The marriage produced two beautiful daughters. Several years ago, a tragedy struck and Jen became a single mother.  After a period of grief and growth, Jen met, fell in love with, and married Jason Hernandez, who swept her and the girls off their feet, and they became a family.  A year after their wedding, Jason and Jen welcomed sweet baby Joziah to the family, and now (February 2020) they await the arrival of another sweet bundle of joy (due in July). Jen now has a full-time job of being a wife and mommy!  She tries to incorporate Jesus into everything that she does with her kids so that they can grow to know what an amazing God they serve!


Ari in Tangier, Morocco
Ariana is a vibrant (almost) 14 year old who came into the world completely healthy and naturally.  Jen's water broke at 37 weeks and Ari was born at a birthing center without the aid of medicine.  Since her birth, Ariana has been a sweet ray of sunshine in the Hernandez home.  Aside from her world geography, drama and P.E. classes at school, Ari loves to sing, read books, talk and dramatically reenact pantomimes she's created.  One of Ariana's true spiritual gifts is compassion.  The thought of loosing any person to the fire of Hell is unimaginable to her. She has started school Bible studies, invites friends to youth group, and looks for opportunities to share Jesus' love with the people she encounters.  When she was a little girl, she used to ask each person she passed wherever she may have been (be it WalMart, the mall, the rodeo, church or the zoo), "Do you love Jesus?"  If their response was "yes", Ari enthusiastically responded with, "Yay!  Then, you get to go to Heaven!"  But if they were undecided or say "no", she whipped out her colorful, beaded necklace that tells the story of salvation by color representation: with black = sin, red = Jesus' blood on the cross, white = the cleansing that comes from believing in Him, yellow = Heaven/salvation in Christ and green = life eternal.  She was and is quite a little missionary.  Jason and Jennifer do their very best to nurture and guide Ariana and to raise her up into the strong and amazing woman that they believe God has called her to be.  Watch out world, this little gal's on a mission and if she has it her way, everyone will be in Heaven!


Ella on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, Israel
Ella is a ray of SONshine in the family, and a real clown.  What an absolute surge of energy she adds to life!  Being born at only 30 weeks gestation and having been in the womb for 12 weeks with little-no fluid, Ella has always been a fighter.  Even now as blossoming young woman (almost 12 years old), she displays her ability to overcome obstacles by never giving up!  When confined to a full-body-cast, Ella not only learned how to scoot around, but she actually managed to pull herself up and sometimes even balance and walk somehow!  This kid has no idea what restrictions or boundaries are (in a good way).  Don't tell her it can't be done, because she is the LIVING evidence of what can't be done, being done!  Ella is full of giggles and movement, skips and hops.  There is never a moment that she is still.  Never.  Her zest for life and absolute joy is contagious to all those around her.  You can't be around this child who has had such a positive attitude through all of her trials and leave depressed.  It's just impossible.  It's as though the Lord, Jesus, has infused Ella with His strength and joy; she understands His amazing love and ability to carry her through any trial.  The sincere joy and courage that Ella displays through all of her surgeries, casts, tests, IVs, treatments, therapies, pokes and appointments is nothing short of miraculous in a 12 year old. let alone when she was a little baby!  It will be amazing to watch and see how Jesus uses this amazing little life to benefit His kingdom!

Joziah in Old City Jerusalem, Israel
Joziah is a dose of curiosity, energy, rolls of baby fat, and giggles sprinkled onto Hernandez family life!  He was born at 38 weeks gestation after weekly shots of progesterone and Procardia pills aided in keeping him in the womb.  Joziah's entrance into the world was quite an event as 10 - 15 minute contractions kept Jen writhing in intense pain, as she wondered if her baby would be able to endure the lengthy periods of pressure clamping down on him.  After Jason got Jen to the hospital, nurses tried to figure out how these long contractions were happening!  Joziah's heart crashed 3 times as they watched the progression, so the doctor rushed them in for an emergency c-section.  Since there was no time to wait for the epidural pain meds (that had already been placed) to kick in, and because Jen was feeling the incision of the c-section, the anesthesiologist went ahead and put Jen completely "out" so that she would not have to feel anymore of the emergency surgery.  Jen awoke 15 minutes later to the sounds of her precious baby boy crying and the soothing melody of her husband's voice whispering "I love you's" to his new baby son.  Since his birth, Joziah has been a happy-go-lucky and easy going boy.  He's traveled to 5 foreign countries before he was even 20 months old with hardly any complaints!  He does suffer from a throat deformity: Laryngomalacia, and severe food allergies: F.P.I.E.S., but other than that, his little life has been such a surge of health and blessing!  


Anonymous said…
Oh how I love your family so so much! They have been such a source of Light in my life.

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