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Hernandez' Photos

(from most recent to older)
Hernandez Family on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem - overlooking the Temple Mount 2019

Ella (11) and Ariana (13) riding a camel near Jericho, Israel 2019

Ella and Jen (mom) 2019 in New York City Times Square

Ariana, Ella and Joziah at the Garden Tomb (Jerusalem, Israel) 2019

Jericho, Israel - Ella (11), Ariana (13) and Joziah (15 months)

Ella climbing the Mount of Temptation (Jericho, Israel) 2019, age 11

Ella and Ariana at Qumran - where they found the Dead Sea Scrolls 2019

Arian and Ella on the Mount of Olives overlooking the Temple Mount 2019

Hernandez Family at the Garden Tomb (of Jesus) Jerusalem, Israel 2019

Hernandez Family at the Western (Wailing) Wall 2019

Ella at Familia Sagrada in Barcelona, Spain 2019

Ella got sore feet while walking in Barcelona, Spain 2019 (age 11)
At a beach in Malaga, Spain 2019

Malaga, Spain 2019 (age 11)

Ella playing with shells on the coast of Spain 2019

Jen, Ari, and Ella riding camels on coast of Morocco 2019

Ella, Ariana, & Joziah 2019 in Tangier, Morocco 2019

Ella and her daddy (Jason) swimming in the Dead Sea 2019

Ella and Ariana riding a camel on  the Mount of Olives in Israel 2019

Rumored baptism place of Jesus at the Jordan River, Israel 2019

Smoothies at the Dead Sea 2019

Dead Sea, Israel 2019
Ella, Ari, Jen & Joziah

Ella (10), Ari (12), Joziah (2 mo) 2018

Ella 2018 at Aquarium in Minneapolis

Ella and Ari on the flight to Holland

Ella enjoying a hamburger in Holland 2018 - age 10

2018 Ariana and Ella Zandaam, Netherlands

Ari and Ella Amsterdam at the Anne Frank House

Ella 2018 age 10 in Amsterdam, Netherlands

2018 Guatemala
2018 Family trip to Guatemala ziplining
2018 Family trip to the Netherlands, visiting the Corrie TenBoom House

2018, 10 year old Ella meeting her baby brother

Ella walked Jason in

Jason gave both girls rings committing to care for them as his own daughters

Ella - age 9, 2017 when she got her new daddy

Ella - 2017 - 3rd grade
 Ella - 2017 - 3rd Grade

Hernandez Family Wedding 2017
 Ella, Jason & Ariana 2017

 Hernandez Family photo Christmas 2017 - expecting baby Hernandez!
Ariana, Jason & Ella 2017
January 2015

Ariana (Ella's sister), Ella and Jen (Ella's mom)

Ella at her preschool graduation this past spring (2013)

Ella got a ribbon for participating in this year's AWANA derby car race! 

Ella playing in the snow (Feb 2014)

Our snowman, Olaf (Feb 2014)
Ella's first day of life! May 8, 2008
Ella at only a few days old, wearing her daddy's wedding band as a bracelet.

Ella laying on Jennifer's chest being held for the first time by her mommy.
Only a few days old, Ella was compared to a $20 dollar bill.  She was born weighing 3 lbs, but after the meds were drained from her system she dropped into the 2 lb range.
Ella's tiny foot encircled by her mother's wedding ring.

Here's a picture of Ella hooked up to all the wires and tubs and machines.  You can see cords feeding into her belly button to deliver the necessary medications and nutrients (because she couldn't yet receive breast milk through her feed-tub), the ventilator tub fed into her mouth along with the feed-tube, the heart-shaped sensor on her tummy read her body temp and regulated the temperature of the bed, the band-aide looking thing on her hand read the oxygen levels in her blood - she wore two of those.  The eye coverings protected her eyes from the bright lights that were being used to help her recover from high billyruben levels (jaundice) - phototherapy.

Ella being "held" by her daddy's hands in the NICU
Ella on CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure)

Ella's Uncle Josh and Auntie Kapree meeting her for the first time at 6 weeks of age in the NICU.

Ella at 6 weeks in the NICU.

Ella at 6 weeks old - with a feed-tube in her nose still in the NICU.
Ella being held by her Grandpa Jeff and Great-Grandpa Bob.  Also pictured is her Pastor, Kent Conrad.  This was the night they anointed Ella before her first eye surgery.
Ariana and Ella Wilkins (Ella at 3 or 4 months old)
Jennifer and Ella experiencing "normal" life
Jen administering a blood-thinner injection "on the go" for the clot in Ella's heart
Ella at Christmas time (7 months old)

Mid December 2008 getting ready for her first hip surgery (7 months old)
Ella in her new cast

Ella experiencing freedom after her hip dislocated in the cast and it had to be removed

Ariana and Ella Wilkins.  What a chubby baby!
Always a happy baby
Ariana holding Ella in her second cast
Ella right after her third hip surgery and casting

All smiles in January 2009 - 8 months old

Fun outfits in Ella's 3rd cast

Ella's 1st birthday - she tipped over after this picture was taken.  At one year old, Ella had just learned to roll over - she had to completely re-build her muscles after spending 3 months in a full-body cast.

Ella's first birthday.  Eating brownies.
Ella "reading" a birthday card.
Ariana and Ella celebrating Ella's big day. May 8, 2009
Just a normal day at the park! Summer of 2009
Ella sporting her favorite sports team!
Ella dressed as a lion for Halloween 2009
Big smiles for the camera!
Ella learning to walk in Peru to one of thesingle missionaries, Alex - March 2010
Ella's bath in Peru - August 2010
Ella and Jennifer at the hospital for another surgery - beginning of 2011
Ella ready for surgery
Ella after surgery - still on some oxygen
After her first cast was removed, Ella's skin was burned from the diarrhea that she experienced while in her cast.
Ella in her 5th full-body cast - always happy
Ella in the hospital - her mode of transportation before going home was in a wagon, that way they could hang all of her medications on the wagon and she would become portable.
Ella attempting a smile in her wagon
Ella expressing her joy at getting the bar cut off of her cast - getting closer and closer to freedom
Ella and Jennifer.  Gotta love that "smile".
Ella at a recent check up in Salt Lake City. 2011
Ella at her Grandma Jill's tea party - 2011


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