Please keep our Ella Belle in your prayers. She's been taking short, quick breaths for two days now and coughing so frequently and violently. Yesterday, her coughs were so intense that she threw up. We took her to Quick Care yesterday and the Physician's assistant urged us to go straight to the E.R. because of Ella's breathing, cough, slight fever (but she was on preventative antibiotics for her incision, so it was odd for her to be running a fever), and aches and pains in her tummy. She wanted blood tests and x-rays done to rule out infections and/or pneumonia, RSV, collapsed lung, etc... Feeling frustrated that we had just gone and spent $ at Quick Care and received no answers, we went home and called Ella's pediatrician's after-hours number and talked to the on-call nurse. She also urged us to go straight to the E.R., so we went. When we arrived and after we saw the doctor, he was so busy with a patient that was having heart troubles, that i...