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Ella's Incision and Life After Surgery

I can't say that life after this surgery has been as "easy" as I had predicted it would be.  Our little bundle of energy has kept us on our toes since we were released from the hospital on Friday morning.  Between giving Ella her "happy medicine" every four hours, un-dressing her wound (which was a very long and tedious process because pulling the adhesive from around the wound was very painful for Ella), keeping Ella's busy hands away from that very large wound, trying to get unpacked from our trip, sponge-bathe Ella, help Ella maneuver around the house with her walker, and try to make Ari feel loved and not forgotten....HAS BEEN A CHALLENGE! 
On top of all the new challenges, Ella woke up at 4 AM last night singing!  I was somewhat annoyed as I groggily made my way downstairs to the girls' bedroom to check on Ella.  When I knelt down next to Ella's bed, she said, "Mommy?  My weg huwts."  Immediately, my heart softened and I gave her a dose of the "happy stuff" and reminded Ella to go to sleep.  Once back in my own bed, I heard Ella singing again!  I was too lazy to make the "long" journey back downstairs so I yelled from my bed and asked Ella to PLEASE stop singing and go to sleep, to which Ella's sweet voice rang out over the baby monitor, "OK, Mama."  That's the last thing I remember before waking up much later than usual the next morning at EIGHT O CLOCK!

Since we had all slept later than what was normal, I went downstairs to check on Ella.  What I found was a surprise, to say the least.  When I rounded the corner into Ella's room, I noticed that Ella was fast asleep on her bed with her pants down to her ankles and all of her bandages completely removed from her 6" wound, including the tape that was helping to hold the incision together and clean from outside bacteria!  Ella had picked each tiny piece of tape (2"x1/2" strips) that were repeatedly placed horizontally from the top to the bottom of the incision, completely off!  There were drips of blood on her sheets and dried blood under her finger-nails that marked the evidence and the trauma that had occurred during her mid-night "preoccupation". 
Ella has interior and exterior stitches.  The incision cuts through the muscle and into the bone

After calling the Salt Lake hospital to find out what to do, they informed me that I had to get Ella up, shower her (because the wound could not be submerged and soaked in a tub) and get her in some footed jammies so that her hands could not make their way back to the wound without an obstacle course.

Once I had completed my task, we made our way to pick up Ella's new glasses!  They were her first pair that were not plastic unbreakable bendy frames!  Ella was less than excited to try something new after experiencing the pain of her midnight adventure, but we got the new glasses and then headed to Grandma's house for a tea party.  Once the party was over, I re-checked Ella's wound.  It was leaking blood again.

The girls with Grandma Jill (Calvin's mom) at the tea party

Me, my mom, Janelle, and the girls at the tea party
After another call to Salt Lake City, we were instructed to lightly apply some antibacterial cream to the open portion of the incision, wrap it in gauze and then again with an ace bandage.  Our instructions also came with a mild warning to keep our eyes on Ella and her hands around the clock.  The nurse tried to very politely remind me to keep Ella right next to me for the next week or so, to be sure that she didn't traumatize her wound anymore so that another trip to SLC wasn't necessary, but to be sure and sleep when Ella slept so that I don't wear myself out.  "Right....that'll be easy," I thought sarcastically, "Ella never naps, and I have another kid to care for!"  That's when I had to audibly remind myself of 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 "Be joyful always. Pray continually and give thanks in all circumstances."  

In all honesty, life has gotten to me today.  I have shed several frustrated, empathetic and worrisome tears.  I have been reminded of another verse that has reminded me of God's amazing provision in times of trial.  Philippians 4:6 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."  I find so much comfort knowing that Jesus, Himself, is interceding for me today! Romans 8:26 "In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express."  He intercedes with GROANS that words cannot express!  Wow.  And He is not just talking to anyone...He is talking to GOD!!! 

Now, with Ella napping, I know that I have things that I need to do such as monitor her and keep her hands busy with things other than her leg, catch up with my housework, love and care for Ariana. But I also know that I have the Maker and Creator of the Universe helping me along!!  And with Him, all things are possible!


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