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Abortion = Horrendous

Today,  I have been researching abortion; the different types, if they are legal in the U.S., and asking God HOW I can make a difference. The answer is literally RIGHT in front of me.

Ella. The little girl on the left. She's my second daughter. For those of you who have heard our story or read my book, you know how we had to fight for her life. But would I have done that if someone would have never told me about abortion and how horrific it was?

In that exam room when I was told that my baby had no chance to survive, that I was already living on borrowed time because of the risk for a deadly infection with my womb exposed to dangerous bacteria, would I have chosen to save my own life with "abortion"/ "terminating my pregnancy"/"inducing labor" (however you want to put it) if I didn't know that there was a God who LOVES and cares about me and that that same God LOVES and cares about my unborn baby?

I was a mom who was told that her baby would never live. It was suicide to go on with the pregnancy. For those Pro-Choicers out there who stand firm because the mother has the right to choose to end her pregnancy to either protect her own life or her emotional stability because the baby was the result of rape - Ella and I are LIVING proof that the doctors are not always right and that an abortion was NOT the only solution.

How selfish can we be? In the 180 movie I posted today on facebook, the interviewer makes an incredible point. If we are the victims of an unimaginable crime such as rape, why then do we commit a greater one by murdering the innocent? Or if it is our life or theirs...who's to say my life is more important than the little one growing within me? It's the exact same thing as looking at your 9 month old or 5 yr old and running low on food, choose to feed only yourself and starve to child to death. Sound horrific? That's abortion! It's murder. What about the un-wed mother or mom without support? Well, what about adoption? I have never seen murder be the healthy solution to anything.

As I watch video after video with pictures of dead and bloody babies piled in gallon buckets because they had a cleft pallet, or because they were Downs Syndrome or because their daddy left, or because their "quality of life" was going to be less than perfect (like my Ella's life was predicted to be), I had emotions of nausea and sorrow all at once. Tears ran down my cheeks as I watched in horror what goes on behind the closed doors of the abortion clinics.

Doctors once told me that my body was crushing Ella with such force that her bones would come out mangled and her quality of life (if a miracle happened and she actually survived) would be not even worth living because of the lung diseases, brain development issues (possible brain bleeds, cerebral palsy) that they said she would have, they said she'd never walk and be confined to casts her whole life as doctors cut and re-aligned bones again and again - and that was all IF she even survived, which they left no hope for ever being a possibility.

Well, halleluiah that doctors are not God! Today, my bubbly baby girl came jumping up the stairs signing at the top of those lungs that were never supposed to exist with a bright and happy smile on her face. And as for that brain of hers...she is 3 1/2 and already recognizes and names every single letter of the alphabet (upper and lower case) and can put letter-sounds to all but three! Yesterday she sounded out the word: frog!
I share all of this

#1. because I want to praise our God, Jesus Christ, who is bigger than any of us ever give Him credit! He saves, He heals, He renews, He forgives and He IS MIGHTY! Praise His Holy name!

#2. because I want us to be aware of what is going on in hospitals:

*Right now Obama has either changed or is trying to change (I'm not sure which) all hospital staff requirements that any doctor in any given hospital regardless of it's religious or moral beliefs be willing to perform an abortion!

*There is a type of abortion where they induce labor in a woman early in her pregnancy (20 - 23 weeks or so) and because they know that the baby is too young to live outside the mother's womb, they don't introduce any saline solution or "poisons" to the womb or baby. They simply induce labor and once the baby is born, wait for it to die. Sometimes it takes only minutes, other times they can live hours and in a few cases they have lived days with no care or attention: they are just left in an empty room to die. HORRENDOUS! And Barack Obama has said "no" THREE times to a law that would require medical personnel to step in and save the lives of the babies that lived!

#3. And I am sharing because I believe that most moms that abort are simply misinformed. That they do not understand what is really happening. Doctors are Pros at wording it so that you just believe you are undergoing a procedure. Abortion may not even be in their vocabulary. So, if the mothers aren't educated about abortion, they may have one and realize only later what happened.

I want to thank a dear friend and mentor, Vonnie McDaniel, for telling me at a very young age in gruesome detail all about abortion! Vonnie, if it weren't for your words and straight forward and honest description about what abortion is when I was in 6th grade, I don't know what I would have chosen to do with my pregnancy. Thank you for talking about a very tough subject and giving me the tools I needed and belief in the One who can give courage to fight for a life no one else believes will live. Ella is one of the greatest blessings and miracles I have EVER received (along with Calvin and Ariana)!

To all of my friends, I urge you to choose life unashamedly and to urge those around you to urge their friends to do the same and to really educate them on what is going on in our world, in America today!!
  watch an award winning documentary that really puts things into perspective:  


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