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Kiera Jade

My new niece, Kiera Jade
I need to apologize for my delinquence in keeping up with this blog for the past few days, but I think I have a pretty good excuse.  My first little niece, Kiera Jade, was born late Thursday night and along with soaking up precious moments with her, I've been caring for her big brother, Jayce. 

My nephew, Jayce.
One of the privileges that has come from being in the States for the birth of Kiera (I was in Peru when Jayce was born in 2010) was the awesome experience of witnessing her live-birth.  What a miracle!  I won't go into gruesome details, but what an amazing thing that happens inside of a woman's body in the creation of a human life!  And then the process of entering this world that the baby and mother go through is absolutely mind-boggling. 

This is me and Ariana the day she was born
Reflecting on the birth of this new precious baby, Kiera Jade, has taken me back to the moments that I first held Ariana and Ella and how both births were completely and totally miraculous.  God gives us these precious gifts and the responsibility of raising them to know Him!  What a magnificent and hard-to-comprehend in it's entirety, job!  I find myself completely overwhelmed with the lives I've been entrusted with, but also wrapped in the security and leadership of Jesus in my life.  I know that I could not do this awesome job without Him, but with Him, we know that "we are more than conquerers through him who loved us" (Romans 8:37)!   I am so humbled and greatful for the blessing of this wonderous task that has been set before all mothers and fathers.
This is me and Ella in the NICU

I pray that I will rise to the occassion and pour my heart into the lives of my children, just as Christ poured out His life for me. 


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