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Mostly, I post things on this blog about Ella.  It was a blog created about the book, and the majority of the book is about how Ella came to be, but in truth, it's really a story about our family, so I think it's appropriate that I share about my other adorable daughter, Ariana.

Ariana is a vibrant life, to say the least.  She is passionate and dramatic about everything.  Her world is black and white, good and evil.  (which is so much like her mama)  Just to give you an idea of who this precious little person is, I'll share a few mini-stories to give you a peek into who Ariana is before sharing the real story of the day.

In the grocery store, Ari will ask every person, and I do mean e.v.e.r.y person we pass if they love Jesus.  If they say that they do love Him, Ari responds with an enthusiastic, "Yay!  Then, you get to go to Heaven too!"  And if they don't, she shares the message of salvation through her colored beaded necklace and then asks me as we're going our own way, "Do you think they'll ask Jesus into their hearts, Mom?"  Ariana has a very tender heart, so that's important to know as I share this next story.

Yesterday as we were driving, Ari saw a man walking on the sidewalk with a colorful sign that was advertizing for a local pizza shop.  Since Ari is just learning to read and hasn't dialed in on what signs actually say yet, she wasn't aware of what this man's sign said either.  This was our conversation:

Ari: Mom, I want to give that man some money
Me: Why Ari?
Ari: Well, he has a sign and I think he has no food
Me: His sign says that he's selling pizza.  That's his job, Ari, so I think that man has a house and food
Ari: Well, I think he needs some more money
Me: Do you have some to give him?
Ari: Well no, but I was thinking we could give him some of yours  :)

She just makes me smile.  But I'm so in awe of what a huge heart God has given my oldest child.  She sees need and she wants to act.  It's all she can do just to obey and keep to herself.  She makes me really think about things.  Like, if I'm teaching her that there are people in this world that need help, and then when we see those people in need, and I just say, "Oh, not this time," what am I really teaching her?  I hope that I don't ever squelch her desire to passionately care for people.


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