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Lifeline Pregnancy Banquet

Last night I had the incredible opportunity of being involved in the Lifeline Pregnancy Banquet, here in Nampa, Idaho.  I had not anticipated the blessing that would come from listening to the testimonies and from the way I felt the Spirit move in my own heart as I had the chance to share part of my story with Ella!  But I think the best part was mingling afterward with new friends that I had instant bonds with just because of our common relationship with Jesus Christ.

I am constantly amazed at the way God works.  I first, bumped into a woman that told me that she had to leave the banquet room because she was caring for her baby, but felt as if the Lord wanted her to hear what I had to say, so after the banquet was over, she approached me just to tell me that she had stood outside the banquet hall with her ear to the door just to take in every word!  She came away with this message: I SERVE A MIGHTY GOD!  You know, it's just interesting to see how God brings His own message out of what you are saying for each individual.  I am blessed at the thought that Jesus moved in this woman's heart and in her own situation by what the Spirit of Christ said through me.  This was a direct answer to my prayer that God would speak through me and that my words would not be heard, but His!  Incredible.

Another encounter I had was with a couple that volunteers at Lifeline.  As we were talking, the woman said that they had prayed over Lifeline, the speakers and the banquet and had broken up individually to pray around the borders of the Lifeline building to combat the extreme spiritual warfare that it had been facing (which I experienced through my own physical illnesses leading up to this event) and when they all re-grouped, the mutual message that they had from the Lord ended up being a Bible verse that had been given directly to me, for me, by a dear friend the week before!  God has amazing ways of getting His point across!

There were so many wonderful, Spirit-filled people that I met last night, that when I finally made it home, I couldn't sleep because of the excitement.  God had overwhelmed me with His love and His family!  My heart and mind were soaring.  What a blessing it is to be in the community of God!  A little taste of Heaven.  Can you imagine what it will be like in Heaven?  No gossiping.  No hate.  No tears.  No darkness.  And lots and lots of love!  I kind of sound like a hippie right now, but as I was reading in 1 John this morning, this message blared across it's pages, the book is filled with the message of love!  It goes as far as to say that,  "20 If anyone says, “I love God,” yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen. 21 And he has given us this command: Whoever loves God must also love his brother." (1 John 4:20-21)  And the reason that we must love each other is because "He first loved us!" (vs 19)  God. Is. Love.  And last night, I experienced His love through His body of believers.  It was a blessing to have several things affirmed for me personally and to carry His word to the body.  Praise Jesus!!  What a night.


Anonymous said…
So glad it went great Jennifer. Wow, God is so good! Love you

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