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Friends and Family!

Can I just take a moment to PRAISE God today!!?!!  Calvin's heart and mine are overflowing with amazing peace, joy and love as we've been the recipients of God's grace yet, again!  I'll try and be brief...but most of you know, with me, it's impossible.  Words just jump out of my mouth before I can even stop 'em!  Especially when I'm talking about Jesus!!!  And He IS (after all) the REASON for the SEASON! :)

Two days ago, Tuesday, December 13th was an absolutely amazing day!  A couple weeks ago, we learned of a medical issue in our family that was going to cost us $3,500 out of pocket (after insurance) and on top of this new issue, we still had all of Ella's bills and trips down to Salt Lake.  We weren't too worried about it at the time because God has ALWAYS provided even when it's seemed impossible.  Remember, Ella is the 1.5 MILLION DOLLAR BABY - and God provided ALL the money to cover her medical bills from birth through insurance and extra funds that came through ways I don't even understand to cover our deductibles!  So, with this extra medical stuff, I knew God would provide even if we couldn't see HOW right now.

Well, I think "someone" was trying to get us rattled because on Tuesday, we had to take out a loan for the $3,500 AND Cal's hours got cut way back at work because of the slow winter months.  In the midst of trying to figure out how we would pay our mortgage, keep Ari at Nampa Christian School, groceries, all our bills AND our monthly payment for the loan, God washed a peace over us that it was going to be ok - even though we had no idea HOW.

The next day, a friend was coming by the house to drop off a check for one of my books for a book order I'm making next Monday.  I told her thank you and said I'd let her know when the book-order came in.  When I closed the door, I looked down at the check...and I'm surprised actually that I looked at it, because most of the time, I just assume it's all correct and put it in a check pile - awaiting delivery to the bank...but for whatever reason (probably God's nudge), I looked down and instead of reading $34 for the two books that she had ordered, it had a 2 with THREE zeros behind it!!!  $2,000!!!  Immediately, I swung the door back open and ran out to her car.  She informed me that she had prayed about the amount and after talking with her husband, they came up with the same amount to give to us - it was for medical expenses!!!  I'm sure I made a fool of myself as tears and laughs intertwined and I hugged her tightly just saying "thank you" over and over again.  And you know what is even neater!?  The check was dated for Tuesday - the day before!  (the day we had to take out the loan and that Cal's hours got cut at work)  She had even tried to get it to me ON Tuesday, it just didn't end up working out!!

Isn't God amazing!!!  I just want to encourage you....TRUST God and He will NEVER let you down.  When the hard times come (and they WILL come), know that He is shaping you and preparing you for awesome work - and that He will provide for ALL of your needs!  And if you are reading this and feel that a hard time has come to you, but you never get miracles and it seems like we get lots...I just encourage you to share your needs!  To go to others for prayer - to lean on the body of Christ in prayer.  And Jesus WILL provide for your needs.  Matthew 6:8
"For your Father knows what you need before you ask him."

In the past week, I have had several emails and texts from young women asking me all sorts of questions about God!  Questions ranging from - "How can I get to know Jesus?" to "How can I ask Him into my heart?" to really hard questions like, "I think I'm having demonic encounters - what should I do?" (I directed her to ask that question to a pastor)...  God has given our family a ministry right HERE in Nampa, Idaho!  In the midst of being frustrated that our ministry in Peru had to come to an end - God is using us right where we are!  I am SO thankful and SO honored!! We would be just so naive to think that Satan wouldn't try to take us out right now!  He is trying - and with God's power and grace covering us (and the unity of the body of Christ), Satan is failing.

PLEASE!  Keep the prayers coming for our family.  We need 'em!!!  We NEED Jesus.  And today, we are overflowing with awe at the wonder, power, perfect plan and love of our LORD and SAVIOR, Jesus Christ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  PRAISE HIM FROM WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW!!!! 

Wednesday morning (yesterday) before we received the check, I wrote Calvin a message on our bathroom mirror for him to read when he woke up for work and at the bottom of the message I wrote that I thought God just wanted to give us more time as a family (with his cut hours at work) and put Jeremiah 29:11 as the conclusion:

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

I just can't smile BIG enough right now!!  God is so awesome, isn't He!! 

Thank you so much for all of your prayers and wonderful emails full of encouragement and love!!!  We are the most blessed people in the world to have this family of Christ surrounding us!  Thank you!!


Cal and Jen Wilkins


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