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I just have to say...God is so good.  Two days ago - in the Wilkins home, life was absolute chaos!  Between Ella somehow finding and shattering a drinking glass, to her pouring red Crystal Lite all over herself, staining herself (face and hair) and the hardwood kitchen floor, to finding her thoroughly enjoying herself while splashing in the toilet - there were not many "breaks" to be had.  Along with the physical chaos, the emotional chaos was running rampant as well. 

We had to take out a loan to pay for some medical bills that we were accruing and the day that the loan was taken out, we found out that Cal's hours were getting cut at work because of the slow winter months.  We didn't know how we'd afford all of our bills!  Sometimes, when it rains - it pours! 

But God is so much bigger than our tiny little problems.  Someone recently told me this old saying: "Don't tell GOD how big your problems are - rather, tell your problems how big your GOD is!"

How appropriate that saying is for what has happened in our lives in the past couple days!  Just as the trials have been pouring have the blessings!  Yesterday, a lady was dropping off a payment for her book order and after I thanked her and closed the door, I looked down at the check and got the SURPRISE of a lifetime!  Instead of saying $34 - for her two books, it read: $2,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I threw open the door to my house, ran outside and looked deep into the woman's eyes.  She explained that the money was a gift that she and her husband had prayed about and gotten the exact same amount laid on their hearts - it was to cover some of our medical expenses!!!

And if THAT wasn't huge enough to absolutely knock our socks off, I received an email this morning from a young lady saying that she hoped I could talk with her about Jesus and how He could save her!!!!!!!!

Our God is MIGHTY to save.  MIGHTY to care for us, and MIGHTY to answer all of our questions and needs!

Jeremiah 29:11-14
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. 14 I will be found by you,” declares the LORD, “and will bring you back from captivity."



Anonymous said…
Whenever I begin to forget God's blessings and power, your little family reminds me just how great those things are! Praise Jesus for the blessings he is pouring out on you guys and for how you are blessing the lives of others!

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