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Showing posts from December, 2011

Remembering 2011

I can hardly believe we've arrived at the end of 2011 and are awaiting the beginning of 2012!  What a year of mixed emotions it has been!  God has lead us on a winding road of trial and blessing this year that has left us strengthened and renewed. "Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him." James 1:12   We began 2011, snuggled up in our warm make-shift beds in the missionary house in Lima, Peru.  As we journeyed home, little did we know that 2011 did not hold a return to the mission field as we had planned, but three hip surgeries for Ella,  five full-body casts, two different wheel chairs, ten trips to Salt Lake City, and five times that Ella went under anesthesia.  And that was just Ella!   "Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with y

Ella Quotes

I just need to carry around a pen and note pad as go through my day.  Ella says the most adorable things...and sometimes wacky things.  Yesterday, I was walking through the living room and bumped Ari on accident, causing her to spill her muffin.  Before I could say anything, Ella chimed in and said with her lisp, "Ooopthy Daisy!"  Then, as the kids began opening their gifts, Cal and I prompted them with words of excitement like, "Oooh, I wonder what it could be!"  To which, Ella responded enthusiastically, "It's a mystewy!"  We didn't even know that Ella knew the word "mystery"!  I love it when 3 year old minds decide to throw out new words, it's just awesome. What a blessing it is to raise my precious gifts from God! Jesus, thank you today for my two little miracles.  I will never forget what You've done.

God Has His Math Degree!

Greetings!  I hope everyone is enjoying the beginning of the Christmas weekend!!!  Blessings on each of you as you enter this special time with family and friends! Well, I'm supposed to be working on Christmas projects right now...and I WAS...I really was!  But what I chose to watch while working on those projects sent me into a mode of worship.  I just got finished watching the DVD that was made of the Sunday that Cal and I spoke at Nampa First Church of the Nazarene before we went to Peru.  At the end of the service, the Pastor doesn't even get done praying when people begin coming to the altar and laying their gifts there to help finance our ministry in Peru. I CANNOT tell you the extent of the springs of deep emotions seeing outpouring of love brings inside of me!  Watching this in hind-sight is somewhat bitter-sweet, knowing that we had to come back early...  But wow.  That's all I can say right now.  (Well, I guarantee I'll say more,because it'


Friends and Family! Can I just take a moment to PRAISE God today!!?!!  Calvin's heart and mine are overflowing with amazing peace, joy and love as we've been the recipients of God's grace yet, again!  I'll try and be brief...but most of you know, with me, it's impossible.  Words just jump out of my mouth before I can even stop 'em!  Especially when I'm talking about Jesus!!!  And He IS (after all) the REASON for the SEASON! :) Two days ago, Tuesday, December 13th was an absolutely amazing day!  A couple weeks ago, we learned of a medical issue in our family that was going to cost us $3,500 out of pocket (after insurance) and on top of this new issue, we still had all of Ella's bills and trips down to Salt Lake.  We weren't too worried about it at the time because God has ALWAYS provided even when it's seemed impossible.  Remember, Ella is the 1.5 MILLION DOLLAR BABY - and God provided ALL the money to cover her medical bills from bi

Reminiscing on God's Joy: Pray for Baby Anna Joy

Today, my heart is aching for the Peppley family.  If you have not heard about them, they recently had a baby daughter who is currently fighting for her life (I believe in Seattle, WA).  Her parents, Matt and Alissa, have courageously kept up a blog updating everyone with Baby Anna Joy's status.  I don't want to flub up the details, so to see this family and read their story for yourselves, click here and it will take you to their blog.  Hearing about what they are going through, staring at walls, waiting, wondering if their little one will make it, takes me back to the many days that we did that very thing, wondering if Ella would come out alive.  I can feel the tears start to reach the brims of my eyes, the disgusting feeling of helplessness and nausea rising in my chest and inexplicable sorrow coating my entire body.  Waiting to find out if your baby is going to make it, a baby that you've fallen madly in love with, one that you've prayed over, cried over, stood s
I just have to say...God is so good.  Two days ago - in the Wilkins home, life was absolute chaos!  Between Ella somehow finding and shattering a drinking glass, to her pouring red Crystal Lite all over herself, staining herself (face and hair) and the hardwood kitchen floor, to finding her thoroughly enjoying herself while splashing in the toilet - there were not many "breaks" to be had.  Along with the physical chaos, the emotional chaos was running rampant as well.  We had to take out a loan to pay for some medical bills that we were accruing and the day that the loan was taken out, we found out that Cal's hours were getting cut at work because of the slow winter months.  We didn't know how we'd afford all of our bills!  Sometimes, when it rains - it pours!  But God is so much bigger than our tiny little problems.  Someone recently told me this old saying: "Don't tell GOD how big your problems are - rather, tell your problems how big your GOD is!&q