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Video Memoir of Ella's Life

If you've ever read Ella's story and wished that there were photos to help tell the story, here they are! I went through all of our photo/video albums and pieced this video memoir together to share the mighty works of God's hand in Ella's life! I am hoping that this video will be shared and will bring praise, honor and glory to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!!! His miracles are incredible and we feel humbled and amazed that He would bestow some of them on our family, but we remain in even greater awe of what He did on the cross by taking our deserved punishment for sin and offering us the free gift of Salvation and forgiveness of sins for all who confess in the Lord Jesus Christ and believe in Him. He covers us with His precious blood, making us worthy to stand in the presence of an ALMIGHTY GOD!!! His eternal gift of un-deserved and unattainable Salvation leaves me utterly speechless and totally enamored by Him! I don't think I'll ever get over that!!! What a mighty God we serve! 


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