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My Trip To The Hospital

Seems like I've been apologizing a lot for not keeping this blog up to date, but a lot has been going on.  Last Friday night, Calvin rushed me to the emergency room with an anaphylactic reaction to an antibiotic I was taking for my sinus infection.  My entire body swole up and broke out in hives while my eyes, nose, ears and lips grew several sizes larger as well.  My throat closed and caused a dramatic entry to the E.R. with me collapsing on the floor.

I was rushed to a bed where they gave me a shot of epinephrin and a breathing treatment which brought the swelling down enough in my throat to breath effectively.  My body though, remained swollen and reacting more severely than what was normal.  I was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit for the night and into the next day.  I was later told how I narrowly avoided a tracheotomy and should be thankful for my life.  Over the course of the weekend, I experienced several strange reactions to other medications that they had me on, such as Benedril (to help with the swelling).  When they gave me an IV dose, my blood pressure dropped, heart-rate shot up and my chest tightened.  It brought in the nurses and respiratory therapist to administer another breathing treatment and help get my body settled back down. 

During my time at the hospital, two EKGs were performed, they drew blood out of the same crook in my arm SIX times, I received two shots in my stomach of blood thinners (because of the risk with lots of swelling), an IV which emptied two huge bags full of IV fluids into my arm in just the first hour I was in the E.R. (not to mention what they put on the pump later), my shot of epinephrin, multiple breathing treatments, a 24 hour urine study, and an all-night heart monitor...and after all of that, we still don't know for sure what happened.  The doctor suspects that it was a reaction to my antibiotic, but is not for certain.

I am now back home with my family, who I missed terribly!  Some lingering symptoms have warranted another trip in to see my primary physician in the morning, such as: chest tightening, tingling and swollen fingers,  aching ankles and knees and all of the original symptoms from my sinus infection that is being untreated because I had to discontinue the antibiotic that caused the reaction.  So, I am hoping for some answers tomorrow.

It is always amazing to me how Jesus is always there to comfort and to guide in the midst of the storm!  A nurse just-so-happened to call right when my airways were closing before going to the E.R. and urged me to take some Benedril that the doctors say may have saved my life!  Having Calvin home and ready to take me to the E.R. when the ordeal happened was also God-planned.  I am so thankful for my life and since God saw fit to leave me here for a little while longer, I plan to make the most of it and share His love with as many people as possible!  Because it is only because of HIM that I live. 

"For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." Philippians 1:21

All that to say, this is my long and drawn-out excuse for not keeping up on this blog.  :)  Thank you for hanging in there anyway and keeping us in your prayers.  We have felt them!


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