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Changing Lives

I remember always loving to write.  In sixth grade, I have a vivid memory of laying in the soft grass as the sun heated my back with notebook and pencil in hand as I worked on a story for an assignment.  Our teacher had taken us outside to enjoy the weather as we finished the details of our individual tales.  Now, as I occasionally flip through the pages of my real-life story, I am humbled and amazed at how God has used it.

Just tonight, my younger sister, Monica, shared with me how my story of Ella has touched a friend of hers personally.  She befriended a young man that was in trouble and when he went to jail, became his pen-pal.  When my book was released, Monica purchased one and sent it to this young man.  Recently, she received a letter from him saying that it was the best book he's ever read and that he not only read it once, but twice!  The words in the book prompted him to examine his life more closely and gave him reason to believe that God does, indeed, exist!  He shared with Monica that his life was being transformed and that the book made him look at things differently.

The young man in jail also told Monica that he used my book for a book report that he had to do for a community class that he's taking there, in jail, and gave an oral presentation about the book to the class.  After the presentation, this young man told my sister that his buddies were all writing home asking their wives to buy them the book!

I tell you all of this not to pat myself on the back in any way, shape or form, but to PRAISE THE NAME OF JESUS!  He is the reason that the book even exists.  He is the purpose, the point and the reality of everything in the book!  And to have the book being spread into the jail system is something I had not foreseen, but it is changing lives and I am so deeply touched and honored that God is using it in this way!  Please cover this book in your prayers.  I pray constantly that the Holy Spirit would go ahead of the book and prepare hearts!  Each and every day I am hearing new stories of ways that God has used the book in someone's life!  What a blessing to be witness to such amazing things! 

Matthew 19:26
"Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”


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