This morning, my heart is beating wildly with fire as I wonder at God's might!!! The journey since Ella was born has been full of sorrow, doubt, intense maternal & physical pain, nervous excitement, insecure surrender, peace, fear, tears, empathetic pain, belly laughs, joy beyond measure, heartbreak, weeping, depression, agony and unmatched rejoicing at God's amazing miracles!!!! This little girl has thrown us for more loops than a 100 mph wobbly roller coaster with unlimited loopty-loops and death-drops! You know the story. By human logic, this little girl shouldn't be here. The one and only way she lives is because of God's grace, power and mercy. Last year, just after our HUGE leap of faith to pursue the adoptions of two little ones, we discovered that Ella had not only ADHD, a swallowing disorder and severe Sensory Processing Disorder, but also Autism. This came as a huge challenge to what God had called us to. We knew that God knew since the ...