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Showing posts from October, 2012

Joy Through the Body of Christ and Sleepless Nights

If there's one thing I want someone to get from this blog, it's not that life is easy, but with God, problems are not only smoothed, they are possible miracles in disguise! Romans 8:31 " If God is for us, who can be against us?" Matthew 19:26 " Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”  A cousin of mine reminded me last year of this quote:  "Don't tell God how big your problems are.  Tell your problems how big your God is!!!" I am reminding myself of these truths tonight as I am recovering from a second night in a row of sleeplessness.  Friday night, Ella awoke with a barking cough and strider breathing, known to many as Croup.  This is no new illness to Ella, but as she has grown, she's been expected to grow out of it, which, so far has not been true.  So, outside we went, wrapped in a huge, fluffy comforter, to allow the cool air to enter and open Ella's airways.  After ab

New Family Pictures

 A HUGE thank you to Emily Williamson for this amazing shoot!  You are just incredible!

Sensory Processing Disorder

All I can say right now is "oh my goodness".  Ella has been diagnosed recently with something called "Sensory Processing Disorder" (a neurological disconnect of the senses).  This basically means that all of the nerves that connect her senses and bring messages to the brain have been interrupted and do not work correctly, throwing off her coordination, balance, body awareness, hearing, vision (to name a few) and sends her into frustrated fits and seemingly, bad behavior.  She has been referred to several therapies that are supposed to help her cope with what her body is telling her and help her to more accurately see and experience this world in which she lives. Some of the symptoms that made us aware that Ella had something quite severe going on internally was the fact that she could not play on play-ground equipment the same as other kids.  Just making her way up the play-equipment steps was a challenge for Ella and if/when she made her way up to the top of t