Today, my heart is aching for the Peppley family. If you have not heard about them, they recently had a baby daughter who is currently fighting for her life (I believe in Seattle, WA). Her parents, Matt and Alissa, have courageously kept up a blog updating everyone with Baby Anna Joy's status. I don't want to flub up the details, so to see this family and read their story for yourselves, click here and it will take you to their blog.
Hearing about what they are going through, staring at walls, waiting, wondering if their little one will make it, takes me back to the many days that we did that very thing, wondering if Ella would come out alive. I can feel the tears start to reach the brims of my eyes, the disgusting feeling of helplessness and nausea rising in my chest and inexplicable sorrow coating my entire body. Waiting to find out if your baby is going to make it, a baby that you've fallen madly in love with, one that you've prayed over, cried over, stood stoically by when bad news after bad news is delivered, a baby you've carefully inspected so as not to miss a single detail so that it can be burned into your memory just in case...
But what a mighty God we serve, who is faithful and just! And just like Matt Peppley said in his latest blog post, "After all is said and done, no matter the outcome of this whole situation, I'll still trust God. I won't have all the answers, and never will. Heck, I'll probably forget to ask Him those questions when I get to heaven (provided He allows me access...) because I won't care anymore. So for now, I'll just sit back, enjoy the time I have with my cute daughter, and savor each moment I can - just in case her life will end in a short amount of time." GOD IS GOOD. Reflecting back at our journey with Ella, there have been times that Cal and I have plead with God to let us keep her, but knew that if He decided to take her home, she'd be whole and well and in the perfect arms of Jesus. Sometimes, even now, I feel so selfish having her here. But I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that each second of everyday that God blesses us with children like these, they are glorifying GOD and bringing others to their knees in prayer! I can't imagine a more meaningful purpose in life than that!!
I guess now, I'm just rambling. It's just that this story takes me back. Makes me feel things I haven't felt in a very long time. It's been hard to look at their blog. Hard to read about the things they are going through and know that the road ahead is a long one. But as I remember...I am comforted. I knew, even in the darkest nights - the night, especially that they told us that there was nothing more they could do for Ella, that she wouldn't make it, I was not alone. Not only was I not alone, but I had JOY! What an suiting name for this new little baby, Anna JOY!
For we serve a God of miracles! And a God that cares and a God that longs to save us! Even if the outcome is not life here on earth, it is LIFE ETERNAL!!!
Jesus, thank you! Thank you for this opportunity to serve you, to be used by you and to lead others to you! I would not change a thing! Not one second.
2 Peter 3:9The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

2 Timothy 2:10So I patiently accept all these troubles so that those whom God has chosen can have the Salvation that is in Christ Jesus. With that Salvation comes glory that never ends!

But what a mighty God we serve, who is faithful and just! And just like Matt Peppley said in his latest blog post, "After all is said and done, no matter the outcome of this whole situation, I'll still trust God. I won't have all the answers, and never will. Heck, I'll probably forget to ask Him those questions when I get to heaven (provided He allows me access...) because I won't care anymore. So for now, I'll just sit back, enjoy the time I have with my cute daughter, and savor each moment I can - just in case her life will end in a short amount of time." GOD IS GOOD. Reflecting back at our journey with Ella, there have been times that Cal and I have plead with God to let us keep her, but knew that if He decided to take her home, she'd be whole and well and in the perfect arms of Jesus. Sometimes, even now, I feel so selfish having her here. But I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that each second of everyday that God blesses us with children like these, they are glorifying GOD and bringing others to their knees in prayer! I can't imagine a more meaningful purpose in life than that!!

Jesus, thank you! Thank you for this opportunity to serve you, to be used by you and to lead others to you! I would not change a thing! Not one second.
2 Peter 3:9The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

2 Timothy 2:10So I patiently accept all these troubles so that those whom God has chosen can have the Salvation that is in Christ Jesus. With that Salvation comes glory that never ends!