The most frequent question I'm asked after people have read "Ella", is:
Playing in Daddy's shoes |
The simple answer is: good.
The answer behind the "good" is quite extensive. Ella's hip surgery was initially scheduled for June of 2011, but a week before we were supposed to go down to Salt Lake City, Ella contracted Croup...again. Her surgery was re-scheduled for August.
Once August arrived, Ella seemed to be doing fine. She had just recovered from another round of Croup, but seemed to be clearing up, but to our disbelief, with our car packed with suitcases, toys, luggage and movies to last hours, Ella woke up the night before our trip to Salt Lake City with (you guessed it!), CROUP.
She could barely breath. Nothing seemed to work to open her airways. We tried going outside sitting in the cool, night-air to see if it would help to open her up, but when precious time had passed and Ella was still wheezing heavily, we took her into our steamy bathroom, hoping that the steam would clear her right up. It didn't. Again, we went outside to see if this time, the cool air would help out. It didn't. Then, as a last resort, to avoid running Ella down to the Emergency Room, we stuck her head in our freezer, and guess what! It worked!
Ella's new bear, Coco |
First breathing treatment in SLC |
Her surgery went amazingly (if that's even a word). They only had to cut and rotate her femur and once that was performed, the leg sat perfectly in the socket - no extra scraping of the socket itself or extending was needed. Her leg also matched the other leg's length perfectly! Praise the Lord!!
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Right after surgery in Salt Lake City |
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Ella's first outing after surgery |
Ella's "cotton candy" treatment |
As in her previous casts, Ella got sick again and made a mess of her casts, so we had to take an extra trip down to Salt Lake City to have a new, clean cast applied.

During that same trip down to Salt Lake City, we saw an Ear Nose and Throat specialist for Ella's breathing problems. Since the final draft of the book was written, Ella has struggled with several Croup outbreaks and also what seems to be Asthma symptoms. She has been placed on a daily dose of inhaled asthma medication and was also given a rescue inhaler just-in-case. While in Salt Lake at the ENT's office, he "scoped her", meaning that he strung a small camera on a "string" up Ella's nose and down her throat. I held Ella and watched the monitor as the doctor moved the camera around.
Ella had bumps in her throat that the doctor informed me was called, "Cobblestoning" that was caused by irritation from Acid Reflux! She also had significant swelling near her vocal chords. He suspected that she may also having narrowing in her airway beneath her vocal chords (because she was intubated for an extended period of time as an infant - it can sometimes cause the throat to grow around the tube and be smaller than usual), but he could not see that portion of her throat unless she was sedated. So, he decided to treat her aggressively for the acid reflux to see if that helped her frequent Croup outbreaks, since Croup is just the usual cold virus that flares in kids who have small airways. If the Croup persists, he will sedate her and look again at the lower portion of her throat and a surgery may be required.
Also, the same week as Ella's appointments in Salt Lake City for her hip and throat, she woke up terrified because she lost vision for a few moments. As a mother, it was the most difficult thing to experience! Ella had fallen asleep on the couch with her glasses on. When she woke up, she blinked and realized that she couldn't see. She cried out for me and said, "I can't see!" Immediately, I ran to her side and asked if she could see me. She turned her head toward my voice but her eyes rolled right past my face and she cried, "I can't see you!" After a few moments, her vision came back, I assume, because she got up and began playing. When I asked about her eyes, she said, "My eyes not wooking vewy good. Dey aw shy today." Needless to say, we scheduled an eye appointment. She had just seen the ophthalmologist in August (3 months prior), but we thought maybe her retinas were detaching again. We had also noticed Ella using her hands to "see" people, including us. One huge indicator that Ella's eyes are not up to par was when one of Ella's best friends came over and Ella got up to her face, almost touching her with her nose and said, "Who are you?" And then began examining her with her hands!

It has just been so good to get answers. Even with Ella's breathing issues, we are just so thankful for doctors who can run tests and narrow down the possibilities of what we're dealing with. Even if it's more surgeries, we know the drill. This is a little girl that we were told that we'd never have. This is a little girl that was said would never take a single breath. This is a little girl that the doctors said would maybe never walk and need bone re-construction surgeries...and guess what! She did have those surgeries and now she walks! And not only does she walk, but she runs and jumps and climbs stairs and tears my house apart! Praise the Lord! :)
We will praise Jesus for all of eternity because He Is Good and He Is God! Praise Him! The King, the Creator, the Reason for living and dying and everything else! We will never stop singing praise to Him!!!